Our Creative Collective
To teach is not to transfer knowledge but to create the possibilities for the production or construction of knowledge. Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of Freedom
A most amazing collection of Teaching Artists, dedicated educators, and the coolest sweetest most creative caretakers in town have blessed us from our humble beginnings joining us in this work. They have been and still are the heart and soul of our programs. They are wildly talented, incredibly authentic, dear, brilliant peoples. I love them all. Past and present. The children love them even more!

Take a peek at some of the amazing projects and programs they are leading across diverse creative arenas, from graphic design, theater and architecture to yoga, naturopathy and healing work. And I'm always happy to help make connections for anyone looking for special services or beautiful artworks for their home or as gifts. We have an incredible pool of talent in this tribe.
Ashley Sunshine
Aya Asia Shapovalov
Bianca Zaltman Sadcovitz
Carolina Ackerman
Danielle Mccrea
Daniela Abadi
Feu Marinho
Gemma Morgan
Georgia Barnett
Hayley Alexander
Iara Gutenmajer
Julieta Gonzalez
Karine Hoffman
Lily Aronin
Lula Kaczka
​Melissa Judith Peltz
Mia Hammer
​Michelle Ganane Perez
Moath Azem
Moran Sol Broza
Nicole Cohen Yechezkel
Rachel Kraft
Rafaela Klinger Kukierkorn
Rena Forester
Ronit Joy Holtz
Sue Li
Tal Malka
Vanessa Fragis
Yael Shira Toren
Ynbal Landesman
Yoel Karmeli
Zo Flamenbaum
Links to the websites and social media pages of our staff will be up soon~
A great teacher isn’t necessarily more patient or proficient at getting information across; he is more likely to understand that getting information across isn’t his primary job. What matters isn’t how well he holds students’ attention so much as whether he knows enough to stop being the center of attention.” Alfie Kohn